Saturday, August 23, 2014


This post is quite a departure from my usual blog posts but in light of recent world events and as a former combat veteran, I have seen so much misinformation in the media that I feel compelled to weigh in.


It is rare that I will engage in any discussion that has to do with politics and I normally wouldn't dream of posting it on Facebook, so I apologize in advance if I offend anyone.

That doesn't mean that... I don't have my own very strong opinions but they are mine and the fact of the matter is that I feel in no way, compelled to share them. Instead of flapping my mouth and bitching and moaning as many do; I decided to put on a uniform and when I got called to go into combat, I went with honor and pride - even as a single mother with a one and a half year son at home.

The truth, no matter how much it pisses anyone off - is that the American public is so fickle it makes me sick to my stomach. Most only "care" as long as there is war and blood and violence being televised 24/7 but as soon as that subsides, this country - collectively - gets bored. Gone is the support! Gone is any sense of unity! And the bitching and back-biting resumes. But that is your right and as much as I may despise what some say - I and every other Veteran fought for that right for you.

How quickly you forget that when the soldiers returned from Vietnam - you screamed at them and spat on them.
And for all of you that say that I fought in Desert Storm for oil...I fought because to this day I can't get the images of the horrors that Saddam Hussein committed against the Kurds, out of my head. 
SADDAM HUSSEIN GASSES THE KURDS. In 1988, the Hussein regime began a campaign of extermination against the Kurdish people living in Northern Iraq. The attacks resulted in the death of at least 50,000 (some reports estimate as many as 182,000) people, many of them women and children. See More

For those of you who never served, at the heart of the military is the Chain of Command - from your direct supervisor to the Commander-In-Chief. And no matter what you think of anyone in that Chain of Command doesn't matter a rat's ass. You show RESPECT to the rank and follow orders - PERIOD! We didn't get to be the greatest fighting machine in the world by having our head up our butts all these years. It didn't matter what I thought of President Bush Sr. or Jr., President Clinton, or President Obama - they served as Commander-in-Chief and I afford them the respect that every soldier should and takes an Oath of Allegiance to:

"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God."

If you are so pissed off and disgruntled... shut your f'ing yap, get up off your ass and get involved - you can start by voting. And then, when you see those horrific images on TV...first, turn the channel - stop feeding into the media and giving validation to the idiot talking heads...and second, take a moment to thank God or whomever...or just be grateful that YOU live in a country where you don't have to live in constant terror or stand the chance of being murdered at the whim of some extremist.

-Stefani Ceballos


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